Deleting An Existing License for SSTLM Version earlier than 7.00


1. From Windows Start Menu: Programs > SST License Manager > "Manage License"

Open SST License Manger from Start menu

2. Select "Analyse Tool" through "Tools" menu.

SST License Manager Analyse Tool

3. Select the product from the combo box.

Select product from SSTLM pulldown menu

4. Press the button "Delete License" and confirm deletion.

Confirm sstlm license delete

This will create a text file with name equivalent to product name in the SSTLM installation folder. For example, when you select the product as "CAEPIPE", it will create a file with name CAEPIPE.txt in the SSTLM installation folder.

SSTLM delete license log file

5. Send the file thus generated to SST via email for verification.