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CAEPIPE versus Other Programs
Don't tell your boss! CAEPIPE can make more free time for you. Here are a few examples...
Other Programs |
Input element or support types (bend, reducer, restraint, etc.) using one or two keystrokes (e.g., A for anchor, B for bend, R for restraint and so on). |
You must use the mouse to double-click on the support types and input additional data to complete input, or hunt through a multitude of hard-to-see icons, drag one to the right place, and then input more data for the support/element. |
Jacketed piping with separate temperature and pipe size possible. |
Not possible. User needs to think of a workaround solution. |
User can work on multiple models at the same time. |
User can work on only one model at a time. |
Temperature, material and pipe size names can be edited. So, performing "what-if" scenarios is quick. Simply change the associated name. |
Naming is not possible. Performing "what-if" scenarios can be time-consuming. |
User can include comments for each and every element in the model, and print them. |
Not possible for each and every element. |
User can single-click in the graphics window to edit data. |
Graphics editing is not possible. |
Graphical display settings are remembered between sessions, even between version upgrades. Can display additional data (supports, node #s, etc.) in rendered view. |
Graphical display settings are lost upon exiting graphics. Cannot display any supports, node #s, etc., in rendered view |
Units always readily visible and can be changed at anytime (input or in results). |
Units not readily visble. A separate Units file must be created before analysis; Units cannot be changed after analysis. |
Static and dynamic analysis can be performed at the same time, during the same run. |
Not possible. User must do each separately. |
Displays and prints sorted stress ratios for each stress type (Sustained, Thermal, and others). | User must hand calculate the ratios and sort manually. |
Fully interactive results review possible. | Mostly text files shown in Notepad editor-like interface, without interactivity. |
Reports are short and formatted (and user-formattable). E.g., for the CAEPIPE Sample model: length is 9 pages. | Reports are long and unformatted (and user cannot format them). E.g., for the same Sample model: length is 23 to 40+ pages, unformatted!Hard and time-consuming to review. |
Any number of pumps, compressors and turbines can be analyzed and results reviewed in one screen. |
User must load separate files to view results for each pump or compressor or turbine. |
Automatically adds Sustained to Occasional stresses as directed by the piping code (SL + SO). |
User must add Sustained to Occasional stresses manually to get (SL+SO). |
Four open user windows for maximum productivity and quick understanding. | Only one window can be open - either input or results. |
You must have an idea by now about how you can save your time and effort, not to mention be frustration-free.